27 April 2006

One more reason we invaded the wrong country:

We would never link to a UPI story under normal circumstances, but when this is the lede, you gotta spread the news (italics ours):

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, April 26 (UPI) -- Saudi Arabia released 500 al-Qaida sympathizers after they underwent religious counseling to bring them back to the moderate path of Islam.

See It Now

While we sympathize with the anti war movement, Standing Eight would, with a gun to it's head, ha ha, align itself more with the anti-wrong-war movement. In fact, had Bush decided to handle Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia instead of Afghanistan and Iraq, there probably wouldn't even be a Standing Eight, since railing against Bush is our stock-in-trade, and we would not rail against doing something about Saudi Arabia.

And what is even considered moderation in Saudi Arabia? "Death to Israel and a very bad case of pneumonia to America!!! God is Great!!!"

Yeah, we feel safer already.

(We don't mean to imply with our little joke about moderation in Saudi Arabia that muslims can't be moderate, we are very pleased to know a few moderate muslims, and even a few liberal ones. It's just that none of them are from Saudi Arabia.)

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