03 January 2006

Of What Does a Brits List Consist? This.

The internets were awash in year-end lists, and you'll notice, we hope thankfully, that The Eight posted exactly zero of them, until now. From the BBC (aka the guys Monty Python were always making fun of,) '100 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Year.' See It Now. (Keep in mind that they're Brits, their 'billions' are different than ours, and they're more interested in things British than are we.)

For those of you too lazy or disinterested to hit the link, here are 7 good ones:

45. C3PO and R2D2 do not speak to each other off-camera because the actors don't get on.

59. Oliver Twist is very popular in China, where its title is translated as Foggy City Orphan.

68. The Very Hungry Caterpillar has sold one copy every minute since its 1969 publication.

71. Jimi Hendrix pretended to be gay to be discharged from the US Army.

92. You are 176
times more likely to be murdered than to win the National Lottery.

99. The Japanese word
"chokuegambo" describes the wish that there were more designer-brand shops on a given street.

100. Musical instrument shops must pay an annual royalty to cover shoppers who perform a recognisable riff before they buy, thereby making a "public performance".

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